The Power Of Self-Validation

When you are going through an arduous time, you may often feel alone. But for most people, there is a whole tribe around you who can help! You have to recognize that confiding in a trusted friend, co-worker, or family member can be the first step toward building a system of support that will help…

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Alternative Treatments For Children With ADHD

Update: Since it is Children’s Mental Health Week, I wanted to reintroduce the topic of Children with ADHD. Not many studies have looked at the long-term effects of ADHD medications. There has been some research done, though, and it raises red flags. Stimulant medications can be effective and provide a relative feeling of safety, but…

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The Truth of Single Fatherhood

Single Fatherhood is not discussed as much as single motherhood. In some aspects, single fatherhood is more difficult because all the help out there for single parents is geared towards mothers. You can walk into any bookstore and find 100’s of books about being a single mom, how to live as a single woman and…

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Not many studies have looked at the long-term effects of ADHD medications. There has been some research done, though, and it raises red flags. Stimulant medications can be effective and provide a relative feeling of safety, but parents are concerned about these ‘mind-altering’ medications being used over a long period of time. Parents and adults…

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  October is Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder Awareness month. This year, 2016, the theme is “Knowing is Better.” It is better for everyone (parents, young adults, adults) to know that ADHD is a part of their or their children’s lives so that they can seek the help that is needed. This helps in school, workplaces and…

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